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This snippet displays one event.


It uses the following snippet properties:

Property Description Default
active If this option is disabled, the active status of an event is not regarded. 1 (Yes)
ajax Since 1.4.0 If set, the snippet output will be directly returned to the browser as a JSON result when the page is requested with the same value in the ajax request parameter. 0 (No)
allowedRequestKeys Comma-separated list of request keys, that can be used to filter the displayed event. Defaults to all allowed. -
calendars Comma-separated list of aliases of calendars to filter the displayed event. -
calendarsJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the calendars snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
categories Comma separated list of aliases of categories to filter the displayed event. -
categoriesJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the categories snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
categoryTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template of one category in the category list of an event. tplAgendaEventCategory
contexts Comma separated list of context keys to filter the displayed event. -
contextsJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the contexts snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
daterangeFormat Format of the daterange displayed in an event. -
daterangeSeparator Separator in the daterange displayed in an event. -
detailId ID of a resource containing an AgendaDetail snippet call. -
downloadTpl Since 1.7.0 Name of a chunk that contains the template for one download in the download list of an event. tplAgendaEventDownload
durationParts Number of detail parts of the event duration output. 1
durationRound Since 1.5.0 Rounding type for event duration. ceil
emptyTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for not found event. tplAgendaEventEmpty
id ID of one event to retrieve the displayed event. -
imageTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for one image in the image list of an event. tplAgendaEventImage
listId ID of a resource containing an AgendaList snippet call. -
locale The locale for the displayed formatted date. Defaults to the current system/context locale setting. -
locations Comma separated list of aliases of locations to filter the displayed event. -
locationsJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the locations snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
locationTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for the location of an event. tplAgendaEventLocation
repeating ID of one repeating event to retrieve the displayed event. -
resourceTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for the linked resource of an event. -
toPlaceholder If set, the snippet result will be assigned to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. -
tpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for one event. tplAgendaEventDetail
useCursus Since 1.7.2 Bypass the cursus.event_where system setting and don’t fill unnecessary Cursus placeholders. 1 (Yes)
usergroups Comma separated list of user group names to filter the displayed event. -
usergroupsJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the usergroups snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
users Comma separated list of user IDs to filter the displayed event. -
usersJunction Since 1.7.0 Database query junction between multiple values in the users snippet property. Can be set to AND and OR. -
videoTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for one video in the video list of an event. tplAgendaEventVideo
where Since 1.5.0 JSON-encoded xPDO where clause to filter the event. -


The following placeholders are available in the different (default) chunks. Each snippet property will be set as placeholder in each template chunk, i.e. a snippet call [[!AgendaDetail? &subtitle=`whatever`]] will fill the placeholder subtitle in each used chunk with the value whatever.

CAUTION: The default template chunks for both snippets are overwritten during each package update, so please rename the chunks before editing them.


Placeholder Description
allday Contains 1 if the event is an all day event (otherwise 0).
calendar_background The background color of the calendar of the event.
calendar_foreground The foreground color of the calendar of the event.
calendar_name The calendar name.
categories All categories of the event formatted by the chunk set with the categoryTpl property.
content The content of the event.
description The description of the event.
detail_url The url that shows the event detail. Will be generated with the system/context setting agenda.detail_id. This resource should contain an AgendaDetail snippet call.
duration The formatted duration of the event. The details of the duration can be set with the durationParts snippet property.
enddate The start date of the event formatted in ISO 8601 (can be formatted i.e. with [[+enddate:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]]).
images All images of the event formatted by the chunk set with the imageTpl property.
imageurls An array of all image urls. The placeholder [[+imageurls.1]] contains the url of the first image
location The location of the event formatted by the chunk set with the locationTpl property.
range The formatted date range of the event. The format is defined with the lexicon entries agenda.php_format_daterange and agenda.php_format_separator and can be overridden by the daterangeFormat snippet property. The format rules are described on the AgendaList page.
repeating Contains 1 if the event is an repeating event (otherwise 0).
repeating_id The id of the event date if the event is a repeating event.
resource_id The id of a linked resource of the event.
startdate The start date of the event formatted in ISO 8601 (can be formatted i.e. with [[+startdate:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]]).
title The title of the event.
videos All videos of the event formatted by the chunk set with the videosTpl property.
videourls An array of all video urls. The placeholder [[+videourls.1]] contains the url of the first video.

Extended fields are available as placeholder with the prefix extended in the event row template.

If the tpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.


Placeholder Description
count Count of the events filtered by the snippet properties (without limit/offset)
output All events collected by the snippet separated by the string in the outputSeparator property

If the wrapperTpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.


Only the current script properties are available as placeholders.

If the emptyTpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.


Placeholder Description
alias The alias of the category.
background The background color of the category of the event.
foreground The foreground color of the category of the event.
name The name of the category.
resource_id The id of a linked resource of the category.
selected Contains selected="selected", when the category request value is equal to the alias of the category.
url The url that shows the event list filtered by the displayed category. Will be generated with the system/context setting agenda.list_id. This resource should contain an AgendaList snippet call.


Placeholder Description
description The description of the image.
idx The number of the image starting with 1.
title The title of the image.
url The url that shows the event image.


Placeholder Description
address The address of the location.
alias The alias of the location.
center_lat The latitude of the center of a map of the location.
center_lng The longitude of the center of a map of the location.
description The description of the location.
lat The latitude of the location.
lng The longitude of the location.
name The name of the location.
resource_id The id of a linked resource of the location.
selected Contains selected="selected", when the location request value is equal to the alias of the location.
zoom The zoom level of a map of the location.


Placeholder Description
description The description of the video.
idx The number of the video starting with 1.
title The title of the video.
url The url that shows the event video.