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ConsentFriend uses the open source script of Klaro! as consent management script on the frontend. The Klaro! script automatically activates internal and external services on the webpage. ConsentFriend prepares the HTML code of the page so that the automatic execution or loading of external services can be controlled via Klaro! script.

Consent Management

The following steps are prepared by ConsentFriend automatically

To make sure that no tracking scripts and third-party services are loaded without consent, the HTML code of the page has to be modified: For scripts, the type attribute has to be set to or replaced with type="text/plain" (this keeps the browser from executing the script) and a data attribute with the original type has to be added, i.e. data-type="application/javascript". Also a data-name attribute that has to match the name of the service in the Custom Manager Page must be added, i.e. data-name="matomo".

If you enter the external service code in the ConsentFriend service configuration, the code will be prepared for the the automatic activation. ConsentFriend will inject the code at the end of the HEAD or BODY section in the HTML code.

Commercial version of Klaro!

ConsentFriend does not use the commercial server side version of Klaro!. It is not needed and currently not possible to use the commercial version of Klaro! with ConsentFriend.

Custom external services

If you have to place the external services inline on the page, you have to handle the code preparation on your own. External services can be i.e. called by script, img, link or iframe tags. All those tags for an external service must contain a data-name attribute, that matches the name of a service of ConsentFriend, i.e. data-name="matomo". If the original tag contains a type attribute it has to be changed to type="text/plain".

script tags

Services with a script tag need an additional data-type attribute with the original type i.e. data-type="application/javascript". When the service refererences an external script by the src attribute, this attribute has to be renamed with data-src.

iframe and img tags

Services with an iframe or an img tag need an additional data-src attribute with the original src i.e. data-src="". The original src attribute has to be removed. Since the type attribute is not valid for iframe tags, it can be removed there.

ConsentFriend will hide an iframe based service and display a placeholder with an activation button in place. This feature is called Contextual Consent and is used since ConsentFriend 1.2.0.

Services with a link tag need an additional data-href attribute with the original href i.e. data-href="". The original href attribute has to be removed.

Default Services

ConsentFriend installs several default services. Some of them use system/context settings that you have to create yourself.


Example code for external services:

If you want to add a link to the consent management window on a page, you can use the following code:

<a onclick=";return false;">[[ &namespace=`consentfriend`]]</a>