System Settings

Cursus contains some system settings in the cursus namespace.

These are available in the MODX system settings panel and in the settings tab (cog wheel icon) of the Cursus custom manager page.

Key Name Description Default
cursus.attach_icalendar Attach iCalendar Attach iCalendar to the mails for the participants. No
cursus.blur_data Blur Data Blur data to present the functionality without revealing personal data. No
cursus.cronjob_id Cronjob ID String, that has to be added to the cronjob url as cronjob_id parameter. -
cursus.currency Currency The main currency that is used by Cursus. The value must be used according to Javascript Intl.NumberFormat. EUR
cursus.date_format Date Format Date format for grids and input fields. The format must be valid according to Ext JS Date. -
cursus.debug Debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
cursus.default_country Default Country Default country in a participant address. -
cursus.default_status Default Status The default status for event participants. reserved
cursus.email_from Email From String that is used to fill the email from address (defaults to emailsender system setting). -
cursus.email_from_name Email From Name String that is used to fill the email from name (defaults to site_name system setting). -
cursus.email_to Email To String that is used to fill the email to address for mails sent to the site owner (defaults to emailsender system setting). -
cursus.emails_max_attempts Maximum attempts Maximum attempts to send emails in the queue. 3
cursus.emails_per_day Emails Per Day Maximum number of emails per day. 6000
cursus.emails_per_hour Emails Per Hour Maximum number of emails per hour. 250
cursus.emails_per_run Emails Per Run Maximum number of emails per run. 40
cursus.encrypt_profile Encrypt Profile Data Encrypt participant and trainer profile data in the database. CAUTION: Please create a backup of the encryption key file after the first encryption. No
cursus.encryption_key_file Encryption Key File Path to the encryption key file. Path placeholder are available. Default: {core_path}components/cursus/elements/keys/enc.key. -
cursus.event_combinations Use Event Combinations Allow to join multiple events as an event combination. No
cursus.event_where Event Where JSON encoded xPDO where clause to filter the Agenda events handled by cursus. Example: '{"Calendar.alias:=":"cursus_calendar", "Category.alias:=":"cursus_category"}'. -
cursus.extended_event_participant_fields Extended Event Participant Fields JSON encoded array of extended event participant fields. -
cursus.extended_trainer_fields Extended Trainer Fields JSON encoded array of extended trainer fields. -
cursus.extended_user_fields Extended User Fields JSON encoded array of extended user fields. -
cursus.extended_xtypes_script Extended xtypes Script Url to a script, that defines custom xtypes. Relative to the manager url or (if absolute) to the base url. -
cursus.filter_by_event_tpl Filter By Event Template Name of a chunk, that contains the template for the filter by event dropdown. tplCursusFilterByEvent
cursus.import_export_type Import/Export Type File type of the imported/exported files. Can be set to 'csv', 'excel', 'yaml'. excel
cursus.latest_registration Latest Registration The default value for the latest registration. -
cursus.link_user Link User Show a field to link the Cursus user with a MODX User. No
cursus.participant_usergroups Participant User Groups Comma separated list of participant user groups. -
cursus.pdf_css PDF Stylesheet Name of a chunk, that contains the PDF stylesheet. tplCursusParticipantPdfCss
cursus.pdf_format PDF Page Size Specify one of the pre-defined mPDF page sizes. A4-L
cursus.pdf_stationery PDF Stationery Path to the PDF stationery file relative to the core/components/cursus/stationery folder. -
cursus.pdf_subject PDF Subject Name of a chunk, that contains the PDF subject. tplCursusParticipantPdfSubject
cursus.pdf_text PDF Content Name of a chunk, that contains the PDF content. tplCursusParticipantPdfText
cursus.phonenumber_country Phonenumber Country Two letter country code used to parse not international formatted phone numbers and to output international numbers in a national format. en
cursus.queued_email Queued Emails Send e-mails via a mail queue in order not to exceed a sending limit. The limits can be set in the settings cursus.emails_per_day, cursus.emails_per_hour and cursus.emails_per_run. No
cursus.reminder_owner_subject Reminder Owner Subject Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email subject to the owner. tplCursusReminderOwnerSubject
cursus.reminder_owner_text Reminder Owner Text Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email text to the owner. tplCursusReminderOwnerText
cursus.reminder_trainer_subject Reminder Trainer Subject Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email subject to the trainer. tplCursusReminderTrainerSubject
cursus.reminder_trainer_text Reminder Trainer Text Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email text to the trainer. tplCursusReminderTrainerText
cursus.reminder_user_subject Reminder User Subject Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email subject to the participant. tplCursusReminderUserSubject
cursus.reminder_user_text Reminder User Text Name of a chunk, that contains the reminder email text to the participant. tplCursusReminderUserText
cursus.show_ids Show ID Columns Show ID columns in the tables. No
cursus.show_latest_registration Show Last Registration Show last registration date for each event. No
cursus.show_location Show Location Show a location selector in the event create/edit window. No
cursus.show_paid Show Paid Show a paid column and a paid checkbox for an event participant. No
cursus.show_participant_quantity Show Participant Quantity Show quantity input for an event participant. No
cursus.show_trainer Show Trainer Show a trainer selector in the event create/edit window and manage all trainers in a grid. No
cursus.time_format Time Format Time format for grids and input fields. The format must be valid according to Ext JS Date. -
cursus.trainer_usergroups Trainer User Groups Comma separated list of trainer user groups. -

The settings cursus.extended_event_participant_fields, cursus.extended_trainer_fields and cursus.extended_user_fields can use @FILE or @CHUNK bindings. Path placeholders like {core_path}, {base_path} and {assets_path} can be used. All paths have to stay inside the MODX base path because of security reasons. These settings have to be filled according to extended fields documentation.