This snippet displays one Cursus event.
It uses the following snippet properties:
Property | Description | Default |
active | Show only active events and event dates. | 1 (Yes) |
agenda_event | ID of the agenda event whose data is displayed. | - |
ajax | If this option is set, the snippet output will be directly returned to the browser as a JSON result when the page is requested with the same value in the ajax request parameter. | 0 (No) |
allowedRequestKeys | Comma-separated list of request keys, that could be used to filter the displayed events. Defaults to all allowed. | - |
contexts | Comma separated list of context keys to filter the displayed events. | - |
daterangeFormat | Format of the daterange displayed in an event. | - |
daterangeSeparator | Separator in the daterange displayed in an event. | - |
detailId | ID of a resource containing an AgendaDetail/CursusList snippet call. | 1 |
durationParts | Number of detail parts of the event duration output. | 1 |
emptyTpl | Name of a chunk that contains the template for an empty list of events. | tplCursusEventEmpty |
event | ID of the agenda event date whose data is displayed. | - |
having | JSON encoded xPDO having clause to filter the events. | - |
listId | ID of a resource containing an AgendaList/CursusList snippet call. | - |
locale | The locale for the displayed formatted date. Defaults to the current system/context locale setting. | - |
published | Publication status of the event. 0: unpublished, 1: published, 2: both. | 1 |
toPlaceholder | If this option is set, the snippet result will be assigned to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. | - |
tpl | Name of a chunk that contains the template for an event. | tplCursusEventDetail |
where | JSON encoded xPDO where clause to filter the events. | - |
The following placeholders are available in the different (default) chunks.
Also, each snippet property will be set as placeholder in each template chunk,
i.e. a snippet call [[!CursusEventDetail? &subtitle=`whatever`]]
will fill
the placeholder subtitle in each used chunk with the value whatever
CAUTION: The default template chunks for both snippets are overwritten during each package update, so please rename the chunks before editing them.
Placeholder | Description | |
agenda_event_date_id | The id of the Agenda event date of the event. | |
allday | Contains 1 if the event is an all day event (otherwise 0). | 0 |
bookable | Contains 1 if the event is bookable (otherwise 0). | 1 |
bookable_until | The bookable until date of the event formatted in ISO 8601 (could be formatted i.e. with [[+bookable_until:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]] ). |
2024-02-27 10:00:00 |
calendar_alias | calendar alias of the event. | kurse |
calendar_id | calendar id of the event. | 8 |
category_aliases | Comma separated list of category aliases of the event. | ["bewegung","familienkurs","kindergarten"] |
category_ids | Comma separated list of category ids of the event. | 6,10,16 |
content | The content of the event. | |
count_current | The number of participants assigned to the event. | |
count_current_booked | The number of participants with booked status assigned to the event. | |
count_current_reserved | The number of participants with reserved status assigned to the event. | |
description | The description of the event. | |
detail_url | The url that shows the event detail. Will be generated with the system/context setting cursus.detail_id . This resource should contain an AgendaDetail snippet call. |
duration | The formatted duration of the event. The details of the duration could be set with the durationParts snippet property. |
duration_hours | The formatted hours of the duration of the event. | |
duration_minutes | The duration of the event in minutes. | |
enddate | The start date of the event formatted in ISO 8601 (could be formatted i.e. with [[+enddate:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]] ). |
event_participants | Comma separated list of participant ids of the event. | |
idx | The number of the event starting with 1. | |
location | The id of a Agenda location for the event. | |
location_id | The id of a Agenda location for the event. | |
max_participants | The maximum number of participants that can be assigned to the event. | |
maximum_booked_reached | Contains 1 if the maximum number of booked participants has been reached (otherwise 0). | |
maximum_reached | Contains 1 if the maximum number of participants has been reached (otherwise 0). | |
min_participants | The minimum number of participants that has to be assigned to the event until it takes place. | |
minimum_booked_reached | Contains 1 if the minimum number of booked participants has been reached (otherwise 0). | |
minimum_reached | Contains 1 if the minimum number of participants has been reached (otherwise 0). | |
price | The price of the event. | |
published | The publish state of the event. | |
range | The formatted date range of the event. The format is defined with the lexicon entries agenda.php_format_daterange and agenda.php_format_separator and could be overridden by the daterangeFormat snippet property. The format rules are described below. |
remaining | The number of the remaining participants that can be assigned to the event. | |
remaining_booked | The number of the remaining bookable participants that can be assigned to the event. | |
resource | The id of a linked resource for the event. | |
resource_id | The id of a linked resource for the event. | |
startdate | The start date of the event formatted in ISO 8601 (could be formatted i.e. with [[+startdate:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]] ). |
title | The title of the event. | |
trainers | Comma separated list of trainer ids of the event. | |
week | The year and the calendar week of the event separated by '-'. | |
weekday | The Number of the weekday of the event. Monday = 1. |
Extended fields are available as placeholder with
the prefix extended_
in the event template.
If the tpl
property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are
displayed with print_r.
Only the current script properties are available as placeholders.
If the emptyTpl
property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders
are displayed with print_r.