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This snippet displays Cursus trainers in a list.


It uses the following snippet properties:

Property Description Default
ajax If this option is set, the snippet output will be directly returned to the browser as a JSON result when the page is requested with the same value in the ajax request parameter. -
emptyTpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for an empty list of trainers. tplCursusTrainerEmpty
limit Limit the number of trainers in the result. Use "0" for unlimited trainers. 20
offset The offset of trainers to skip. -
outputSeparator An optional string to separate each tpl instance. -
placeholderPrefix Prefix for all placeholders set by the snippet. -
sortby Field name according to which the trainers are sorted. id
sortdir Direction in which the trainers are sorted. ASC
toPlaceholder If this option is set, the snippet result will be assigned to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. -
totalVar The key of a placeholder that indicates the total number of trainers.
tpl Name of a chunk that contains the template for an trainer. tplCursusTrainerRow
trainers Comma separated list of trainer ids to filter the displayed trainers. -
where JSON encoded xPDO where clause to filter the trainers. -
wrapperTpl Name of a chunk that contains the wrapper template for all trainers. tplCursusTrainerWrapper


The following placeholders are available in the different (default) chunks. Also, each snippet property will be set as placeholder in each template chunk, i.e. a snippet call [[!CursusTrainerList? &subtitle=`whatever`]] will fill the placeholder subtitle in each used chunk with the value whatever.

CAUTION: The default template chunks for both snippets are overwritten during each package update, so please rename the chunks before editing them.


Placeholder Description
address The address of the event participant.
birthdate The birthdate of the event participant formatted in ISO 8601 (could be formatted i.e. with [[+birthdate:strtotime:date=`%a. %d.%m.%Y`]]).
birthplace The address of the event participant.
city The address of the event participant.
comment The comment of the event participant.
company The company of the event participant.
country The country of the event participant.
email The email of the event participant.
fax The fax number of the event participant.
firstname The first name of the event participant.
gender The gender of the event participant.
idx The number of the event participant starting with 1.
jobtitle The job title of the event participant.
lastname The last name of the event participant.
mobile The mobile number of the event participant.
name The name of the event participant.
phone The phone number of the event participant.
state The state of the event participant.
website The website of the event participant.
zip The zip of the event participant.

Extended fields are available as placeholder with the prefix extended_ in the trainer row template.

If the tpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.


Placeholder Description
count Count of the event participants by the snippet properties (without limit/offset)
output All event participants collected by the snippet separated by the string in the outputSeparator property

If the tpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.


Only the current script properties are available as placeholders.

If the tpl property contains a not found chunk, all possible placeholders are displayed with print_r.