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This hook allows to fill Cursus event participants values with FormIt.

FormIt Hook Properties

It uses the following hook properties:

Property Description Default
cursusAssign ID of one Cursus participant that is assigned without validation. request value assign_id or 0
cursusEvent ID of one Cursus event to. request value event_id or 0
cursusExtendedEventParticipantFields JSON encoded array of extended event participant fields. system setting cursus.extended_event_participant_fields
cursusExtendedUserFields JSON encoded array of extended participant fields. system setting cursus.extended_user_fields
cursusOnlyOwnUser Load only own participant (created by the current user). true
cursusParticipant ID of one Cursus participant. request value participant_id or 0
cursusPublished Publication status of the event. 0: unpublished, 1: published, 2: both. 1
cursusWhere JSON encoded xPDO where clause to filter the events.
cursusSendBookedMailUserSubject The subject of the booked mail sent to the participant. tplCursusBookedMailUserSubject
cursusSendBookedMailUserText The subject of the booked mail sent to the participant. tplCursusBookedMailUserText
cursusSendBookedMailOwnerSubject The subject of the booked mail sent to the owner. tplCursusBookedMailOwnerSubject
cursusSendBookedMailOwnerText The subject of the booked mail sent to the owner. tplCursusBookedMailOwnerText
cursusSendBookedMailTrainerRow The row template of one trainer used in the booked mail. tplCursusBookedMailTrainerRow
cursusSendBookedMailtrainerWrapper The wrapper template for all trainers used in the booked mail. tplCursusBookedMailTrainerWrapper
cursusSendBookedMailTrainerSeparator The string that is used to separate all trainers in the wrapper template. ,
cursusSendBookedOwnerMail Send the booked mail to the owner? 0 (No)
cursusSendBookedParticipantMail Send the booked mail to the participant? 0 (No)
cususStatus The status of the booking created by the hook. reserved

Hook fields

The following FormIt fields are used to fill the Cursus event participant in the hook:

Field Description
address The address of the event participant.
birthdate The birthdate of the event participant.
birthplace The address of the event participant.
city The address of the event participant.
company The company of the event participant.
country The country of the event participant.
email The email of the event participant.
fax The fax number of the event participant.
firstname The first name of the event participant.
gender The gender of the event participant.
idx The number of the event participant starting with 1.
jobtitle The job title of the event participant.
lastname The last name of the event participant.
mobile The mobile number of the event participant.
name The name of the event participant.
participant_id The id of the participant.
phone The phone number of the event participant.
quantity The quantity of participants added to the event. Available when the cursus.show_participant_quantity system setting is enabled
state The state of the event participant.
website The website of the event participant.
zip The zip of the event participant.

If the participant is assigned, the participant retrieved with the assign ID has to exist. All other participant fields are bypassed then.

Extended fields are retrieved from the FormIt fields with the prefix extended_ in the hook.