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ContentBlocks fields

The following example system setting in babeltranslate.translate_resource_cb_fields manages the translation of ContentBlocks fields. The first three fields are based on the standard field configuration that can be installed with ContentBlocks. A field content can be released for translation directly with the type text. An existing or additional text field in a ContentBlocks field can be released for translation with the type single or grid in the fields array. A repeater can be released for translation with the type repeater. ContentBlocks fields within a repeater are released for translation with the key of the respective field in an array fields.

The type text, single or grid is to be used depending on the ContentBlocks field type.

The following ContentBlocks fields are of type text:

  • code
  • heading
  • link
  • quote
  • richtext
  • textarea
  • textfield

The following ContentBlocks fields are of type single:

  • image_with_title

The following ContentBlocks fields are of type grid:

  • gallery
  • list
  • ordered_list
  • table
  • file

The following JSON contains some examples of some fields of the standard configuration of ContentBlocks:

  "1": {
    "type": "text"
  "8": {
    "type": "single",
    "fields": [
  "9": {
    "type": "grid",
    "nested": "images",
    "fields": [
  "19": {
    "type": "repeater",
    "repeater": {
      "file": {
        "type": "grid",
        "nested": "files",
        "fields": [


If you want to translate all fields in repeater rows, you only need to add the type repeater in the field configuration:

  "<field-id>": {
    "type": "repeater"

Selected text fields in repeater rows

If you want to translate selected text fields in repeater rows, you need to add the field names in the repeater array of the field configuration. The other fields remain untranslated:

  "<field-id>": {
    "type": "repeater",
    "repeater": [

ContentBlocks input types in repeater rows

If you want to translate other ContentBlocks input types (except repeater and layout) in repeater rows, you can configure each field in the repeater configuration array (in this case a file input type). If you omit the repeater configuration, BabelTranslate recognises it automatically and translates every text field inside:

  "<field-id>": {
    "type": "repeater",
    "repeater": {
      "file": {
        "type": "grid",
        "nested": "files",
        "fields": [

ContentBlocks repeater input type in repeater rows

If you want to translate a ContentBlocks repeater input type in repeater rows, you can configure the text fields in the rows array in the repeater configuration array. When you omit the nested input repeater configuration, BabelTranslate recognises it automatically and translates every text field inside:

  "<field-id>": {
    "type": "repeater",
    "repeater": {
      "<nested_repeater_name>": {
        "type": "repeater",
        "rows": [

ContentBlocks repeater layout type in repeater rows

If you want to translate a ContentBlocks layout input type in repeater rows, you can to configure the nested layout in the repeater configuration array. The fields in the nested layout have to be configured on its own with their field configuration and can't be configured in this configuration. When you omit the nested layout configuration, BabelTranslate recognises it automatically:

  "<field-id>": {
    "type": "repeater",
    "repeater": {
      "<nested_layout_name>": {
        "type": "layout"

Template variables

The following example system setting in babeltranslate.translate_resource_tvs manages the translation of template variables fields. A template variable content can be released for translation directly with the type text. An existing nested template variable text can be released for translation with the type single or grid in the fields array. A custom template variable can be released for translation with the type custom and a plugin in the OnBabelTranslateCustomTV event.

The type text, single or grid is to be used depending on the template variable type.

The most template variable types are of type text.

The following template variable types are of type single:

  • imageplus

The following template variable types are of type grid:

  • grid
  "rte": {
    "type": "text"
  "migx": {
    "type": "grid",
    "fields": [
  "imageplus": {
    "type": "single",
    "fields": [
  "special": {
    "type": "custom"