We're collecting the questions we get most often into a FAQ. If your question is not in the list, please reach out to us via treehillstudio-support@modmore.com and we would be glad to help.
What are the additional cost for the DeepL API?
If you translate only 500.000 characters per month with BabelTranslate, you can use the DeepL API Free. Otherwise, you need to use the DeepL API Pro, the cost of which is flexible based on the translated characters.
How can I prevent HTML tag attributes from being translated?
This can be achieved with the MODX system setting
. They must be filled with {
"tag_handling": "html" }
How can I prevent text from being translated within pre-tags?
This can be achieved with the MODX system setting
. They must be filled with {
"ignore_tags": "pre" }